The modern gift guide: sweet charity - Queensland Brides

The modern gift guide: sweet charity

Forget about china, linens, and toasters – the modern gift registry is all about group-gifting, crowdsourcing, and thinking outside the box for items and experiences that are original, useful… and fun. We’ve gathered 5 great modern gift guides with a difference.

Related articles: 8 steps to get wedding gifts you actually want and Modern gift guide: the list

#4. Sweet charity

Feeling altruistic? Want your wedding to have a feel-good factor? Forego the gifts and encourage your guests to donate to a charity of your choice. Support vital research with an established organisation like the National Breast Cancer Foundation, or register with sites like Karma Currency, MyCause or Everyday Hero, which connect gift-giving occasions with worthy charities. You and your guests will feel warm and fuzzy knowing you’ve contributed to helping protect the rainforest or save endangered animals, to name but two ideas that are way better than a toaster.

Be sure to check out our other modern gift guides linked here:

And while you’re at it, why not gift your guests a little something special with our guest gift directory..